Creating a Quantum Computer Network
A collaboration between a fiber optic expert and the Duke Quantum Center looks to scale up quantum computing power
Putting On a Particle Play
An episode of the Relatively Certain Podcast about para-particles
Norbert Linke Is Improving Quantum Systems One Ion Trap at a Time
Quantum Computers Are Starting to Simulate the World of Subatomic Particles
Joint Quantum Institute on YouTube: Assistant Professor Norbert Linke
Boosting the Performance of Quantum Repeaters
Reddit AMA: Happy World Quantum Day!
We are a group of quantum science researchers at the University of Maryland. Ask us anything!
LinkeLab is part of an NSF Quantum Accelerator project on Quantum Internet foundations
A Quantum Architecture based on Trapped Ions
Duke Physics Department Colloquium, given online on January 20, 2021.
Cu2MIP Lab Tour: Linke Lab UMD
A virtual lab tour for the 2021 Conference for Undergraduate Underrepresented Minorities in Physics.
Quantum walks & Dirac cellular automata on a programmable trapped-ion quantum computer
A talk by post-doc Cinthia Huerta Alderete, given on September 22, 2020 at the online QuAlg conference, organized by CQC.
Quantum Walks and Para-particle Simulations with Trapped Ions
A talk given for the Divisón de Información Cuántica Seminar Series of the Mexican Physical Society (SMF), September 10, 2020.
(German) Aufbruch in die Terra Incognita – Wie rechnet ein Quantencomputer, und wohin steuert dessen Entwicklung?
JQI Quantum Computing Results Selected as “Top Pick” by IEEE Micro
2020 Grad Open House
An introduction to our lab by researchers Yingyue Zhu and Nhung H. Nguyen for the 2020 UMD Physics Open House for graduate students.
JQI welcomes four newest Fellows
Trapped ion Applications and Quantum Operations
A talk at the weekly seminar of the Joint Quantum Institute, given on February 11th, 2019, at the University of Maryland. The talk gives an overview over recent algorithm applications and future projects.
LinkeLab lunch on the College Park “Food Scene”
Norbert Linke joins UMD Physics
Quantum Machine Learning with Trapped Ions
A talk at the Quantum Machine Learning Workshop, hosted September 24-28, 2018 by the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science at the University of Maryland (QuICS).
Fault-tolerant quantum error detection with trapped ions
A talk at the 4th International Conference on Quantum Error Correction, hosted September 11-15, 2017 by Georgia Tech and the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science at the University of Maryland.